Ancillary Justice won the Nebula for Best Novel! Hooray! Here are the other 2013 Nebula Award winners.
The Casual Vacancy to be adapted by HBO and the BBC
According to The Hollywood Reporter, HBO and the BBC are bringing JK Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy to TV as a three-hour miniseries.
Horrible Author Thinks Libraries Are Outdated Concept
Earlier this week, Terry Deary, author of the popular (in the UK) Horrible Histories series, started quite the shit-storm when he declared that libraries “have been around too long” and are “no longer relevant”, among other things. Apparently Deary just wants people to buy his books instead of getting them for free. Never mind the fact … Read more
For Sale: Used Ebooks, Electrons Slightly Creased
Amazon raised eyebrows in the publishing world last week with news of a patent they received for reselling used ebooks. Several authors I follow on Twitter expressed immediate concern, including Chuck Wendig, who wrote a hilariously foul-mouthed blog post and began tweeting jokes about used ebooks. Now, it’s possible that the patent is just Amazon … Read more
eBooks Might Not be the Death of Print After All
In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal titled “Don’t Burn Your Books—Print Is Here to Stay“, Nicholas Carr discusses how the apparent decline in eReader and eBook sales seems to signify that physical books aren’t in their last gasp after all. While I do agree with the general premise of his article, i.e. … Read more
LA Noire: The Collected Stories From Mulholland Books
I really don’t mean to be a Mulholland Books fanboy, I swear, but they just keep announcing such cool stuff that I can’t help myself. Their newest announcement ties in two of my favorite things: videogames and crime fiction. It turns out they’re going to release a tie-in volume of short stories involving characters from … Read more
Warren Ellis: Crime and Science Fiction are the Same Thing
First off, the good news is that Warren Ellis has a new two-book deal with Mulholland Books, who are also the new home of one of my all-time favorite authors, Charlie Huston. I read Crooked Little Vein last year and thoroughly enjoyed that vulgar little volume, which alternates between dark humor and varieties of sexual … Read more
Hello and Welcome!
Hi there! I’m your host, Jeff, and I’ve started this blog as a place to discuss books and reading. I’ve been writing occasional reviews for the past year or so of books that I’ve received from the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program, and I thought it might be nice to put together someplace a bit more … Read more
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